How Long Does It Take To File a Car Accident Claim?

Did you know that 42,915 people died in car accidents in 2021? An increase of over 10% from 2020. If you’ve been involved in a car accident, you’ll no doubt be grateful that you are not one of those who died. But that doesn’t make your accident any less stressful. You may be wondering how […]
5 Signs That You Can Benefit From Personal Injury Lawyer

In the United States, almost 100 million people visit the emergency room every year because of accidents. In many cases, the aftermath of an injury can take weeks, months, or even years to recover from. If you’ve suffered an injury in an accident, you may need a personal injury lawyer. How do you know if […]
8 Car Accident Claim Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Getting into a car accident can have a huge impact on a person’s life. Not only could they lose their primary form of transportation, but they may walk away with a permanent injury that lowers their quality of life. It’s only fair that the other party provides some kind of compensation when the fault lies […]
What To Do If You’ve Been Injured in A Slip And Fall Accident | Dejeu Law Firm

If you or someone you know has been injured in a slip and fall, it’s important to take the proper steps to ensure you are compensated for your injuries. Learn more about what to do after a slip and fall accident. Seek medical attention if you’ve been injured in a fall If you have been […]
How Do you Know You Have the Right Personal Injury Lawyer? | Dejeu Law Firm

Not all personal injury lawyers are created equal – here are some things to look for In today’s world, it can be difficult to know which personal injury lawyer is right for you. There are a wide variety of factors to consider when choosing an attorney, from the firm’s reputation and experience to the location […]
When to get a lawyer for work injury? | Dejeu Law Firm

You’re at work, minding your own business, when suddenly you’re injured. It wasn’t your fault, but now you’re facing mounting medical bills and maybe even lost wages. The question is, do you need a lawyer? The answer isn’t always clear cut, but there are some general guidelines you can follow. If the accident was serious […]
Can I get compensation for dog bite?

At Dejeu Law Firm, we understand that dog bites can be a traumatic experience. You may be wondering if you are entitled to compensation for your injuries. The answer depends on a few factors, such as whether the dog had a history of biting and whether you were trespassing on the owner’s property. If you […]
7 Reasons Why You Need a Lawyer for Car Accidents in South Carolina

South Carolina reached an all-time high for car crash fatalities in 2021, with 1,080 deaths. Unfortunately, this large number of deaths is only a small portion of the losses suffered by those involved in South Carolina car accidents. If you have experienced a car accident, there are some situations where you should consider hiring a […]
When Should You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in South Carolina?
There were 102 fatal work injuries suffered in South Carolina in 2020. This is just one example of the possible personal injuries suffered by individuals. Knowing when to hire a personal injury lawyer can become critical if you have suffered an injury. Look out for these signs that it is time to consider hiring a […]
7 Questions to Ask Your Car Accident Lawyer
Are you wondering what you should be asking your attorney? Click here for seven important questions to ask your car accident lawyer. Being involved in a car accident is enough to throw anyone’s day into a blender. There are so many areas that you’re expected to remember if an accident takes place. Sometimes you find […]