When Should You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in South Carolina?

Personal injury lawyers can help you start a claim right away. Here’s a complete guide on when you should contact a personal injury lawyer.

There were 102 fatal work injuries suffered in South Carolina in 2020. This is just one example of the possible personal injuries suffered by individuals. Knowing when to hire a personal injury lawyer can become critical if you have suffered an injury. 

Look out for these signs that it is time to consider hiring a personal injury lawyer. 

Statute of Limitations 

A statute of limitations gives you a specific amount of time to bring your lawsuit for your injuries. If you fail to file your lawsuit within this limited amount of time, you are forever barred from recovery. This means you suffer an injury and do not get another chance to seek compensation. 

South Carolina law states that an injured victim has between two to three years from the date of the incident to file a lawsuit.  The facts of your case are very important in determining the correct amount of time you have to file a lawsuit. It is very important to speak with a personal injury lawyer about your case. Whether two, three or more than three year’s time frame can seem like a long time when you consider that some states only give injured parties a year to file a claim. Only a lawyer can give you advice as to the correct amount of time you have to file your claim.

However, even if there are three years, those can go by quickly if you are not careful. Hiring a lawyer quickly ensures they have plenty of time to gather the necessary documentation and evidence to file your claim. 

The lawyer will need to research applicable law, interview witnesses, and gather evidence. The longer you wait, the more limited your lawyer will be when establishing a representation plan. 

Investigation Is Vital 

The more thorough you investigate your claim, the stronger your claim is. Working with an experienced personal injury attorney will guide you in conducting a quality investigation. 

This includes knowing the type of evidence that is the most impactful. It also helps to hire a lawyer with resources. These firms can chase down every possible lead for evidence that could assist with your claim.  A lawyer has additional staff that assist him in the evidence gathering process.

It’s a Stressful Time 

Suffering an unexpected injury can disrupt your entire life. For example, one minute, you are grocery shopping. The next, you have slipped in a puddle of water or some other slippery substance on the floor and you have an injured back. 

You cannot work, resulting in forced time off. With extended leave, you may struggle to pay your bills. Then there are the multiple doctors’ visits as you seek treatment. 

Personal injury lawyers that specialize in slip and fall accidents understand this situation. Your lawyer can provide peace of mind and be a source of mental support. 

The lawyer can provide a roadmap for the lawsuit, so you know what to expect. In addition, they can serve as a buffer between the client and opposing counsel, insurance companies, and anyone else involved. 

You Have Serious Injuries 

Serious injuries could be permanent disabilities that are considered severe, catastrophic, or life-altering. A lawyer may be able to help you recover more than you could on your own. However, you may not know all of the possible ways that you could recover compensation. 

Your lawyer will talk to you about the full extent of your injuries and the cost of treatment. Then they will create a compensation claim which will include the evidence to support your claim for damages or compensation. 


Successful negotiation is a skill and an art. If you do not have negotiating experience, you are at a disadvantage. When seeking compensation for your injuries, the first step is a settlement negotiation phase. 

You most commonly see this with car accidents. Your lawyer negotiates with the at-fault party’s car insurance company. A settlement gets reached, and you are compensated for your injuries. 

Hiring a personal injury lawyer puts you in a better position to negotiate. The lawyer has experience with these types of negotiations. They know the tactics that the insurance company’s lawyers use when they make “low-ball” settlement offers. 

Your lawyer also knows what your case is worth. This helps you seek a fair compensation for your injuries. 


Typically, a personal injury case involves the injured party filing a lawsuit against the at-fault party. However, sometimes the injured party suffers the ultimate loss and passes away. In this situation, the deceased person’s family files the a wrongful death lawsuit on the deceased’s behalf. 

Because this situation is more complicated and the loss is significantly greater, hiring a personal injury lawyer is also more important. The lawyer needs to secure the necessary evidence and witnesses. Time is of the essence more than ever in a death case.

There are also more possible damages and losses that are available for recovery. 

Circumstances in Dispute 

Sometimes it is obvious who the liable or at-fault party is. Other times, these facts can be a point of dispute for the parties involved.

For example, a retail store may accept liability for an injured customer. The only fact in dispute is the amount of recovery. 

On the other hand, two vehicle drivers both think the other driver is the at-fault party. So now, there are several issues in dispute that must be addressed before the issue of recovery can be addressed.

Multiple Parties 

The more parties involved in a case, the more confusing and complicated it becomes. If you approach this type of litigation incorrectly, you could fail to recover from anyone. However, an experienced personal injury lawyer can file your claim to ensure that the responsible parties get held accountable. 

Examples of cases involving multiple parties are medical malpractice claims, semi-truck accidents, product liability cases, or construction accidents. 

Consider Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you think you might need to hire a personal injury lawyer, do not wait. Speaking with a lawyer can give you insight into your options for compensation recovery. It also ensures the lawyer has plenty of time for thorough investigation for effective representation. 

Schedule a consultation with The Dejeu Law Firm. First consultation is free.  You will speak with attorney Adrian Dejeu and get to discuss the facts and circumstances of your case.  

Ready to Get Started?

At Dejeu Law Firm, we are here to help you through life’s toughest challenges. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward resolving your legal issue.